Life moves pretty fast whether you are busy or not so busy. Every day life demands us to take care of ourselves, the realities we create and what we co-create with others. It’s easy to forget to just stop and check-in with the self. .. it’s easy for feelings to go unacknowledged, needs to become unmet, and authentic connections to be missed or completely forgotten about. Years can go by before you actually have a chance to check-in with your self and reassess your life. This message is a reminder for you… it’s time to check-in. Is your current life reality what you want it to be? Do you feel your life is as balanced, as it could be, enough to leave you experiencing a sense of fulfilment most of the time? How do you feel about yourself… what is your relationship with yourself, – and with the Divine? What fuels you… is it life, pure will, or is it a Higher Power that you allow to fuel your intentions to thrive in this world. There are many questions that can be asked of the self but these are just a few for today. Life moves quickly and waits for no one. I hope you will gift yourself the experience of accepting yourself fully and completely,.. at least for this moment! … and that you have peace in your being.
I pray you will decide to release all those things that happened to you… things that do not define you… that no longer serves you. I pray you surrender all you absorbed from life that doesn’t free you and make you feel most alive. I pray you connect with your Source and with all you love… and affirm your connections with others… kindly, gently and with love. I pray you release fear of any kind… and let yourself be-loved by life in all its greatest and most profound experiences. May you be surrounded by the beauty of your own thoughts and feelings and share that with all life here.. and in all realms.
With Great Appreciation for Your Witnessing.. and perhaps so from your heart….