2016 Has Arrived!

burning bowl ceremony1

Happy New Year!!

This Sunday, January 3rd, I will be hosting a Burning Bowl Ceremony after the Spiritual Gathering in Blue Point, NY. As much as it is important and natural to look back on 2015 and all that has occurred, it is also wise to end the year by being grateful for all the experiences, the things you have learned and for what you have evolved through.  This is your life… everything has meaning and matters.  The Burning Bowl Ceremony gives us an opportunity to reflect upon and consciously release the old so we can bring in the new!

With this New Year, 2016, there will be a lot of personal positive propelling transformation (say that fast three times 🙂 ) as this is a “9” year in numerology.  It is the number that represents the ending of the nine year cycle, which means we will all, individually and collectively, be finishing up everything that’s been in place for the last nine years since 2007. “RESOLVE & COMPLETION”. If you look back to from 2007 on, you might notice all the turbulent times including wars, the breaking down of old fixed “systems” that were in place, gender roles, job loss, marriage equality, job title changes, and the re-arranging of anything appearing “secure”.  We have all participated in the evolution that brought us here today. Now, we are in the process and energy of completion.

All the metaphorical seeds you have sown and spiritual work you have done on  yourself since 2007 will assist you now in this transformational time. If you have not done any work to seek better understanding, you will have the “opportunity” to finish this year.  Self Development and spiritual growth are part of the “9” year cycle.

If you would like to do your own personal Burning Bowl Ceremony, I have prepared a simple guide for your ceremony. You can access that guide by clicking on this link.

I wish for you every prosperous experience your soul would love to explore!




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