What’s on your mind… do you need to Center & Ground?

samantha paitakis buddha
Did you know… where your thoughts go, your energy follows?  If you have a lot going on this summer and your thoughts are scattered, chances are you won’t be able to focus long enough on the moment to actually be wholly present to enjoy this season!  If this sounds like you right now, you may just need to get more “grounded”, which means to become more centered, aligned with your physical self and rooted in this present moment.

When you center and ground yourself, you are able to bring your energies and consciousness to this particular time and space… so you can focus on the things that are important to you now, as well as bring your energies back to infuse your own being for your highest use in accomplishing whatever it is you would enjoy creating and experiencing.

Here are 6 ways you can center & ground your self…

1.  Release those thoughts through writing or drawing… get it all out!  You can keep a journal if you are chronically in your head… getting things off your mind can help you to experience a sense of peace.

What's on your mind?

What’s in your head?.. write or draw it out!

2.  Meditate by simply sitting for five minutes and focusing on your breathing. Breathe deeply in-through your diaphragm. Your belly should rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation…. do this for 5 min.

 thoughts are like clouds moving away until your mental skies are clear.

thoughts are like clouds moving away until your mental skies are clear.

3.  Sit and place your hands palms down on your hips, legs or knees, …imagine you are like a tree and you have roots growing from the bottoms of those feet …all the way down into the heart of the earth.  Imagine your roots growing strong and thick and thirsty… moving down until firmly rooted at the iron crystal core of the Mother Earth… imagine that loving healing energy of the earth …beginning to flow up through your roots into the souls of your feet… your legs… pelvis and hips. Experience your groundedness ….. the earth supports you…  you can have a clear sensing of that truth.

you are grounded with all who live upon the earth. You have a right to your place among the whole as you participate your life in evolution.

you are grounded with all who live upon the earth. You have a right to your place among the whole as you participate your life in evolution.

4.  EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a very useful and easy tool to help ground you! tap while saying something like this (allow your own inner words to be part of your tapping) :

“Even though I am so distracted… and in my head,  I am now choosing to love and accept myself. My whole self.

Even though my thoughts and energies are scattered everywhere contemplating the past, the future and with everyone else, I can forgive myself for not giving myself my own attention, care, time and energy in this moment. I CAN  be present and fill my needs in this moment for my highest good.

Even though these distractions are assisting me in some way…. I am now choosing to get out of my own way …and give myself permission to take full responsibility for my own happiness… by centering myself, …bringing my thoughts …feelings …and physical life… into a comfortable balance I CAN ENJOY.  I call back all my energy to support and sustain this comfortable healthy balance now.

I accept and love myself enough to center and ground in this moment. I CAN LOVE myself in this moment to bring myself what I need. I declare that I am safe, I am power-filled, I am connected with all that is good,  I choose love, happiness, joy, peace, and divine protection over my life.

In this moment and all moments, I support my life with my own focused love and attention.. I meet my true needs through my connection with my Creator and the Earth that nurtures and supports my life NOW and always. As I resonate with my own inner abundance the Universe aligns with my abundant nature and conspires in my favor now.

I acknowledge and declare that I am worthy to fill my life with loving thoughts of myself, for my life, and all that I create from this moment on… as I do this… I naturally share the best of me with others. This alignment draws all that is similar to me….  I fill my cup… and it runneth over… for the good of all beings.    … And so it is…. And I let all else…. fall away!

To learn more about EFT go to my online page.

Tapping helps to clear emotional blocks the mind cannot understand or rationalize.

Tapping helps to clear emotional blocks the mind cannot understand or rationalize.

5.  You can ground your self by spending time outdoors, gardening, and physical exercise.

getting outdoors is the best way to ground and center.

getting outdoors is the best way to ground and center in nature.

6.  You can also book a session with me for EFT, Reiki, Hypnosis, or for a Reading in order to get to the heart of and resolve that pattern of distraction so you can be more grounded and focused on the life you want to create.

EFT is especially useful for kids! It’s always better to address any emotional problems or traumas as soon as possible rather than to wait until that child becomes an adult. EFT is a proven method to assist in clearing emotional traumas or even used to elevate self-esteem, confidence, and in bringing out the best in the child. Of course EFT is not meant to replace any professional medical care but instead to be used as a tool that would address and bring balance to the energetic body or biofield of the person, which in turn promotes and contributes to the healing and wholeness of the individual. If you or your child has had an emotional trauma, you should seek professional medical care.

I am running a SPECIAL from July  through October 2015 for kids 17 and under, only $25 for half hour EFT/tapping sessions! (now’s the time to build up that self-esteem & confidence)

May you often take out time for yourself to be grounded in-through the best of yourself and experience that connection of your Divine Source and the beautiful earth which nurtures your physical life. ENJOY!


Be sure to sign-up for my newsletter for more info about summer specials coming up!

Contact me at: samanthapaitakis@gmail.com

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