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How to Sage Your Home

This post is in response to Lori, who tweeted me wanting to know some simple tips on how to sage her home built in 1891. Older homes and estates can have some very interesting psychic energy from previous times and owners/occupants of the land and the home. It’s always good to include clearing your property as well as your home.

Hi Lori…

Thank you for asking if I have any tips on Sage-ing (saging) your home, I find it very interesting your home being built in 1891.

White Sage Clearing

White Sage

You can begin your sage-clearing process with this basic format:

• Open as many windows as you can, and light your Sage.
• Set your intention to bring in White LIGHT or God’s Light through you and out through your home, opening with a Prayer of your choice can help you to focus your intention (i.e. the Our Father).
• Make the intention, you do not allow any thing or anyone less than light to remain in your home and that all must go back to whence it came. Call in all helping Angels to lead any lost Souls into the light to be with the ones they love.
• Begin saging the bottom level of your home moving clockwise from the left of your door going to every corner with sage and your intention to bring light and release what is not of the light… making your way around clockwise back to the door, go to the main level of your home, then upstairs.
• Now come to the center of your home on the main floor.
• Facing the front of your home project that Light and sage imagining it covering your entire front property and any vehicles that are yours.
• Face to the right of your property and do the same, Turn again to the backyard, and to the left side of your property, now facing front again. Place the sage down on a safe surface. (or ceramic bowl)
• Give Thanks, your home and property are now clear.

Optional add-on after saging-clearing your home:

You may be inclined to put on lovely music or light a candle… always trust your instincts as you know your home and its psychic energy better than anyone else.

As you stand center of your home, Imagine a beautiful light streaming through your entire being, it moves through you and you now begin to radiate light in-through every object, wall, part of your home, in-through the beams, floors and ground beneath your home. Visualize placing Light Chord Anchors from the corners of the foundation of your home into the ground that are now anchored tightly to the center of the Earth. The air space above your home is clear and LIGHT, your home is clear and LIGHT, the soil your home is built on is clear and LIGHT and all is anchored.

You are dominating this home with your essence and the essence of LIGHT that YOU project into your home.

At this time you can instill any consciousness or energy you’d like to place in your home. You can bring in Peace through you, Love, Divine Protection, Prosperity, Gratitude, and allow those energies and consciousness to flow through you, radiate out from you and into your home and property line. Just imagine it being so …and it is.

When you do this additional work, you are taking responsibility for the psychic atmosphere of your home and property which is beneficial to make this home… psychicly yours!

Always remember to Give Thanks… spend time emanating gratitude.

You can close your windows at your leisure.